Event Type: Case study presentation
Location: Online
Time zone: AEST
Who can attend: Everyone
Registration: At this link
Website: https://opus.nci.org.au/display/Help/NCI+Presents%3A+TechTake
Host Organisation: NCI & MathWorks
Details: Deep Learning Workflows on clusters and clouds
See how engineers and scientists who work on AI projects know when to move some, or all, of their development to clusters and clouds. You’ll also learn about MathWorks’ cloud options and the advantages they offer across the development stages of a system based on AI. Through a case study of training, tuning, and deploying a semantic segmentation model, you’ll hear about the following topics:
Managing data efficiently
Provisioning MATLAB on AWS®—ready-made for deep learning with NVIDIA® GPUs
Scaling to GPU cloud compute clusters
Deploying models for unlimited accessibility
You’ll also learn about the following capabilities:
Using MATLAB Parallel Server™ on AWS for multi-GPU computing
Deploying the MATLAB Production Server™ pay as you go (PAYG) environment on Azure®
Topics: Computing at Scale, HPC, Cloud, MATLAB, GPUs, Deep Learning