Event Type: Discussion and Community Building
Cost: Free
Location: Online - Zoom
Time zones:
30th March 2022
3-4pm AEDT
2-3pm AEST
12-1pm AWST
5-6pm NZDT (sorry NZ)
Who can attend: Everyone, but aimed at HPC admins and eResearch infrastructure support
Contact details: kiowa.scott-hurley@monash.edu
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/starting-a-hpc-sysadmin-and-machine-learning-community-for-ausnz-tickets-272447847847
Slack invite: Especially the channel #hpc-admins-4-ml
Host Organisation: ML4AU
As the eResearch community finds itself supporting more and more researchers jumping into the world of Machine Learning, HPC sysadmins and eResearch support staff are learning right along with them.
We want to provide a space for these admins and support staff to be table to tap each-other on the shoulder and ask those painful questions like:
What benchmarks do you use for ML?
What do you do about conda environments on your parallel filesystems?
Do I really have to allow Jupyter notebooks on a cluster?
How many coffees can you drink before a multi-GPU job submission starts on your local cluster? ...is there a better way of tracking this?
We also want to provide a good space for the usual nonsense and banter that arises when you get a group of us in one spot.
This first meeting will be focused at saying hello to all your new friends, and working to decide what the community looks like - do we want to run online catch-ups every month? Every week? Every quarter? Do we want to do knowledge sharing showcases? Would we rather just be Slack friends?
Let’s find out together.